In 2020 the Headmaster, Jeremy Banks, established The Caldicott Foundation with the vision of supporting talented boys from diverse backgrounds, through scholarships and bursaries.

The Hitchin Scholarship

The Hitchin Scholarship is operating under the goal of finding new boys currently in Year 6, who would join Caldicott in Year 7 (5th Form) with strong academic potential and who are ‘all-rounders’.

To qualify for the scholarship, the pupil will need strong academic potential in Maths and English and excellence in at least one of the following optional areas: Sport (a ‘core sport’ of rugby, cricket or football), Music, Art or Drama.

Means-tested bursaries can supplement the scholarship, with a limited number of fully-funded places where there is proven financial need.

Following the first recipients joining Caldicott in September 2022, we were delighted to be announced as winners in Talk Education’s ‘Bursary Provision’ Award.


NB: applications are now closed for September 2024; please note equivalent details in the brochure for 2025 and beyond.



There is a small bursarial pot that we hope to grow, which is in place to support existing parents in temporary financial difficulty and to allow for new applications where boys demonstrate significant academic or sporting talent, but where their parents would otherwise be unable to afford full fees. Awards of this kind are means-tested.

It is very important to apply as early as possible, usually at least a year in advance, when seeking a means-tested bursary. Please contact the Director of Admissions in the first instance.


Caldicott offers discounts on tuition fees for three categories of children: firstly, children of serving members of the Armed Forces; secondly, children of full-time teachers and key support staff working at Caldicott; thirdly, the third and additional siblings attending Caldicott, whether together or sequentially to their brothers. The amount of these discounts, which apply to fees and not to charges, are subject to annual review. Further details are available from the Director of Admissions.

Caldicott Foundation