It was a real pleasure to be invited by Wellington College to attend one of their magnificent plays, and it was worth the trip as our 1st Form were blown away by the spectacle!

The quality of the production, from the stage design to the lighting to the impressive acting all made for a mesmerising show. With the excursion being many of the boys’ first time at a senior school, let alone witnessing a theatrical performance on this scale, they were glued to their seats!

As the curtains rose and the light dimmed, the world of Lion Boy came alive on the stage. Adapted from the Zizou Corder book of the same name, we were treated to a thrilling tale of adventure filled with daring escapes, mysterious creatures, and heart-warming friendships.

Our 1st Form enjoyed the show, but we also hope they were inspired by the older children who are pursuing their passions in the arts, be it in storytelling, acting, or working behind the scenes.