Our 6th Formers are coming to the final stretch in the race that is Common Entrance examinations and so couldn’t be more perfectly poised to undertake the ‘Finishing Line’ workshop run by the endlessly engaging presenters that make up Elevate Education.

Centred around helping the boys refocus and reengage, the session that ran from late morning to lunch is just one of the extra ways we ensure that boys get the best out of themselves when it finally comes to putting pen to paper in those exam halls. As well as acquiring new strategies to maintain concentration when revising, the 6th Formers also learnt some of the best ways to navigate stress, manage mindsets and maintain their wellbeing.

Elevate’s ethos of utilising young and energetic speakers worked as effectively as ever. The boys engaged in the process throughout, evidenced not only through their visible enthusiasm, but also through answers in their workbooks that Ma’am Macleod as Director of Studies, looked through after the session was complete.