The courtyard was a hive of activity and impressive sales techniques when our annual Charity Bake Off took place just before half term. Raising money for our school charity for the year,  Brain Tumour Research, our teams were determined to ensure they sold as many of their baked goods as possible.

In the true Caldicott spirit of ‘competitive, but kind’ the bake sale was also an inter-House competition with four tables of tasty treats, each run by 4th Form boys from one of the Houses. The boys deserve credit for not only their brilliant baking, but also their entrepreneurial approach; no potential customer (be it a pupil, staff, or parent) was allowed to pass them by without hearing what they had to offer.

Credit to all boys for their creations, Cooper for having the most appealing-looking cakes, Jenkins for having the best display, McArthur for the most inventive baking, and Wood for raising the most money. All four Houses raised a total of £721.37!