Over the past few weeks, Caldicott boys have been giving it their all and earning valuable points for their Houses via their musical prowess. The finalists of the competition had the spotlight firmly aimed at them on Thursday night when they delighted the audience with a series of incredible performances.

The House Music Final is one of the competitions when House spirit really comes to the fore. All boys, regardless of their abilities are encouraged to participate in the first round, earning 10 points for their House. A massive thank you to our adjudicator for the evening, eminent musician and Head of Music at Charterhouse, David McKee.

The Lower School House Music Final will take place nearer the end of term, and we look forward to another opportunity to see the boys perform. But for this competition the winning House was Wood, so massive congratulations to all the boys involved! Mr Paget would like to give a special thanks to all the instrumental teachers for their hard work in preparing the boys for their performance. Performing to others is not for everyone, so all boys should be commended for their team spirit and participation, whatever the level. The individual winners are listed below:


3rd and 4th Form Competition

Roger Xu (Winner)

Jaden Yang (Runner Up)


5th and 6th Form Competition

George Casey (Winner)

Yasar Zhao (Runner Up)


Overall Winner – George Casey

Special Mention Prize – Alex Rudge