It was a pleasure to welcome back OC, Carlo Missirian, earlier this week to give an illuminating talk to our 5th and 6th Form boys. The focus of the discussion centred around the invaluable qualities encapsulated in the acronym “ART”: Authenticity, Resilience, and Tenacity.

It was clear the boys were inspired by the message, as they listened carefully to Carlo’s perfectly delivered words. Caldicott’s mission is to nurture boys into resilient young men, who are compassionate and make a lasting impact in whatever field they pursue. For this reason we were delighted that Carlo’s talk went so well! Another reason was that welcoming back OCs to Caldicott is always a special moment, and getting Carlo’s unique perspective about Caldicott and our boys was fascinating. Carlo shared some encouraging feedback following his return to Caldicott…

“For me personally it was a truly memorable and wonderful experience… I am annoyed with myself for not coming back sooner! However, it seems like this is a great time to engage with such a great leader who recognises our work and the importance to the journey of the pupils at Caldicott. Most importantly please pass our thanks to the boys of the 5th and 6th Form who were a huge credit to the educational community of Caldicott, they were attentive, fully engaged, some of their insights and amazing questions were beyond their years.”